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state: active
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created: 2020-10-21
modified: 2023-10-09
expires: 2024-10-21
transferred: 2022-05-12
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Brief facts about runahead:

Runahead is a technique that allows a computer processor to speculatively pre-process instructions during cache miss cycles. The pre-processed instructions are used to generate instruction and data stream prefetches by executing instructions leading to cache misses before they would normally occur, effectively hiding memory latency. In runahead, the processor uses the idle execution resources to calculate instruction and data stream addresses using the available information that is independent of a cache miss. Once the processor has resolved the initial cache miss, all runahead results are discarded, and the processor resumes execution as normal. The primary use case of the technique is to mitigate the effects of the memory wall. The technique may also be used for other purposes, such as pre-computing branch outcomes to achieve highly accurate branch prediction. The principal hardware cost is a means of checkpointing the register file state.

Rock processor - Rock was a multithreading, multicore, SPARC microprocessor under development at Sun Microsystems. Canceled in 2010, it was a separate project from the SPARC T-Series family of processors.

Hardware scout - Hardware scout is a technique that uses otherwise idle processor execution resources to perform prefetching during cache misses.

Instruction processing


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